
.dev domain name

$19.50 Excl. VAT /year Prices and conditions
$14.50 Excl. VAT then $19.50 Excl. VAT /year Prices and conditions

Register your .dev domain name

Why choose the .DEV ?

The .dev extension is a generic extension managed by Google that is intended for web and mobile developers.

The .dev domain name is open to any type of project, it can highlight your development projects, a tool to offer, your agency, your rates and services or to talk about the news in this field which can be obscure for some people.

The only difference is that you need an SSL certificate in order to be able to offer a secure HTTPS connection, which we offer when you purchase a domain name via our free Lite hosting plan.

The .dev offers you many possibilities in the technological environment in particular!

ASCII characters only
Whois Privacy
$19.50 Excl. VAT /year
$19.50 Excl. VAT /year
$14.50 Excl. VAT
$124.00 Excl. VAT
Change of ownership
Registration period
1 to 10 years
Renewal period
1 to 10 years
Registration delay
Immediate (automated)
Transfer delay

Included with every domain

Unlimited forwards
1 email address of 1GB
1 Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
Worldwide Anycast DNS and DNSSEC
250MB of SSD drive space

Afin d'assurer une sécurité optimale pour les développeurs, Google Registry oblige de sécuriser tous les noms de domaine en .DEV via un certificat SSL,

Dans la pratique, cela signifie que vous n'êtes pas obligés d'acheter un certificat SSL dès que vous enregistrez un nom de domaine en .DEV, cependant, tant que vous ne le faites pas, votre nom de domaine restera inactif, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez enregistrer défensivement un nom de domaine (dans le but d'empêcher que quelqu'un d'autre n'enregistre le nom de domaine qui vous intéresse), cependant, le jour ou vous désirerez activement utiliser votre nom de domaine, vous serez dans l'obligation d'acheter un certificat SSL.

Si vous souhaitez acheter un certificat SSL dès maintenant, vous pouvez consulter nos offres de certificats SSL.

The .dev extension does not support special characters.

Netim is an accredited registrar

By choosing an accredited Registrar, you avoid middlemen which in turn gives you access to lower prices and makes domain registration, as well as other operations, quicker.